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What is Chakra Balancing?

Did you know that every problem in our body occurs when one or more chakras in our body are blocked, dysfunctional or imbalanced. That is because chakras are the connection between the spiritual aspect and physical being. There is an endocrine gland associated with 7 of the main chakras. Unbalanced chakras reflects in a whole range of mental, emotional and physiological issues.


Tibetan Singing Bowls naturally helps the chakras to repair and recover. The sound waves, in the form of sine waves run correcting frequencies to the unbalanced chakras, bringing them back to their normal functioning.


The overall balancing effect of the Tibetan Singing Bowls sends theta brainwave entrainment combine to enhance and support the corrective rebalance of the sine waves effect on each chakra. The result is balanced chakras which then in turn enhance cellular and systemic healing throughout the body that is facilitated by the theta rhythms.

An evarlasting journey within you

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