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التأمل المباشر

ورشة عمل العلاج بالصوت:

استمتع بهذه الجلسة المبهجة عبر الإنترنت من Sound Bath واشعر بالهدوء من حولك. اترك الجلسة وأنت متوهج ومنتعش من الداخل والخارج. تساعد جلسة Sound Bath على التخلص من التوتر والقلق والاكتئاب.

في هذه الورشة، ستغوص بعمق في حمام الصوت، وهي طريقة رائعة للتأمل وتخفيف القلق. إنها شكل مختلف من أشكال العناية الذاتية حيث تسترخي بعمق في هدوء ووعي حاضر لا تجده عادةً في حياتك اليومية.

ما هو حمام الصوت؟

الحمام الصوتي هو تقنية استرخاء حيث تغتسل بصوت الأمواج التي ينتجها الصوت البشري وكذلك الآلات الموسيقية. يأخذك إلى حالة تأمل أو استرخاء عميقة.

فوائد حمام الصوت :

  • يحسن القدرة على مواجهة الألم

  • يعزز احترام الذات

  • يساعد على التخلص من التوتر والقلق والتوتر

  • تحسين العلاقات الاجتماعية

  • يحسن المزاج والذكاء العاطفي

  • يزيد من القدرة على التركيز وتجنب المشتتات

  • يزيد من مهارات اتخاذ القرار وحل المشكلات

  • يزيد من القوة العقلية والإنتاجية

انضم إلى جلسة الحمام الصوتي المباشر عبر الإنترنت واشعر بالانتعاش.

يتم عقد جلسات الشفاء بالصوت أو العلاج بالصوت مباشرة بواسطة Gautham وهو معالج معتمد في الشفاء بالصوت.

انضم الآن! كل ما هو مطلوب هو مساحة هادئة واتصال جيد بالإنترنت.

فوائد :

  • اشعر بالاسترخاء والانتعاش

  • يساعد في علاج القلق والتوتر والاكتئاب واضطرابات النوم والألم والأمراض

  • الحصول على وضوح العقل

  • يزيل الانسدادات الطاقية

  • يساعد على تحسين الصحة العقلية والعاطفية والروحية

كما يشير الاسم نفسه، إنها تقنية علاجية تستخدم الصوت. في ورشة عمل العلاج بالصوت التي يقدمها غوثام (BYG)، نستخدم جوانب مختلفة من الموسيقى والأوعية التبتية والطنين لإزالة الانسدادات الطاقية وتحسين الصحة البدنية والعقلية.

What is

7G Pro?

7G Pro is a unique, holistic wellness program designed to integrate your Mind, Body, and Soul, creating balance in all aspects of life. Over the course of 7 days, you’ll learn the foundational habits of a disciplined and fulfilling lifestyle without restrictive diets or exhausting routines

Integrating Key Components: 





Through meditation and mental clarity exercises, discover inner peace and stress relief.




Enjoy invigorating sessions in dance, yoga, and bodyweight training that build strength, flexibility, and confidence.




Learn how to nourish yourself through balanced, conscious eating that fits seamlessly into your life.

Why Choose

7G Pro

“More Than Just Fitness—A Lifestyle Upgrade”

Unlike traditional fitness programs that focus on either the body, mind, or soul,

7G Pro brings these elements together in perfect harmony. It’s not just about working out or meditation;

it’s a comprehensive approach that aligns all aspects of your life.”


Whole-Person Wellness

Mind-Body-Atma integration for complete balance


Balanced Eating, No Dieting

No calorie counting—just enjoy nutritious, satisfying meals.


Discipline with Flexibility

Designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle, whether you’re a working professional, parent, or student.

“Our program goes beyond surface-level fitness and gives you the tools to live a disciplined, healthy life that feels natural and sustainable.”

what you can expect?

“Real Results You Can See and Feel"

In just 7 days, you can experience:


Increased Energy: Wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day with more vitality.


Better Focus and Mental Clarity: Meditation and mental exercises help clear your mind, reduce stress, and improve concentration.


Improved Physical Fitness: Through balanced activities, feel stronger, more flexible, and confident in your body.


Mindful Eating Habits: Enjoy nutritious meals that fuel your body and mind, all without restrictive diets.


A Calmer Mind and Heart: Feel a sense of inner peace and satisfaction, knowing you’re making meaningful progress.

Imagine going through each day with more energy, calm, and clarity, knowing you have control over your health and well-being. That’s the 7G Pro transformation


our story
Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Founder’s Journey

A Program Built from Personal Experience

“Our founder didn’t just design the 7G Pro program—he lived it. Documenting every step on our YouTube channel, he showcases his personal journey through 7G and 30G Pro, providing an inside look at how this program changed his life.”

Message from the Founder:

         “I wanted to make sure that 7G Pro was more than just another fitness program. By committing to the 7G and 30G routines myself, I experienced the incredible transformation that’s now available to you. The journey was challenging yet deeply rewarding, and I’m excited to guide you through the same process.”

Image by Tim Goedhart

Proven Benefits of the 7G Pro Program

Science Backed Results

Research shows that a balanced lifestyle that includes mindfulness, structured exercise, and nutritious eating can improve life satisfaction, mental clarity, and physical health.”


Meditation: Reduces stress by up to 30%, improves focus by 25%

Balanced Nutrition: Boosts energy by 20%, supports sustainable weight management


Disciplined Routine: Improves productivity by 40% and overall life satisfaction by 50%

Expected Outcomes with 7G Pro

Experience increased energy, improved mental focus, enhanced physical strength, and a deep sense of fulfillment. Our clients report feeling more in control, happier, and ready to take on new challenges.

Two Ways to Join 7G Pro

7G Pro Plans:

Basic: “Perfect for self-starters who want to follow the program independently with access to our full suite of resources, guides, and tools.”

Personal: “Tailored specifically for those who prefer a personalized approach. Based on your lifestyle, we’ll create a custom schedule and routine that aligns with your goals.”

30G Personal Plan:

“For those who wish to deepen their transformation, the 30G Pro extension offers a more immersive experience over 30 days. You’ll establish powerful, lasting habits and join our exclusive ‘1 Percent Tribe’ community of achievers.”

Your Journey to a Balanced Life Begins Now!!!

Don’t wait another day to start living the life you deserve. 7G Pro is ready to guide you to a more balanced, disciplined, and fulfilled life in just 7 days.

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